What interior designers should post on social media per social media marketing experts

What Should An Interior Designer Post On Social Media?


In today’s design-driven world, social media is essential for interior designers. It’s a powerful platform to showcase your work, connect with potential clients, and establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry. But with so many options available, what exactly should you be posting? This guide from Express My Media will equip you with creative content ideas and strategies to captivate your audience and what to post on social media.


What to Post on Social Media: Master the Art of Storytelling

Interior designers have one of the most fun and creative jobs! They look at a space and find ways to make it beautiful with furnishings, layout, color, fabrics, and more. So much work goes from start to finish, and the story behind the process, from concept to completion, is some of the most exciting content you can create. From renderings to mood boards, swatches and samples, construction, and installation to the result, there is so much content to be made from just one project!

Engage potential clients by sharing captivating stories that showcase your design process and passion for creating beautiful spaces. People connect with stories, not just swatches and floor plans. Showcase your design process, highlight client transformations, and share your passion for creating beautiful spaces through captivating storytelling. Utilize your website, blog, and social media to narrate your design journey, igniting imaginations and building emotional connections with potential clients.


Here Are Some More Ways to Showcase Your Expertise:

  • Project Spotlights:  This is your bread and butter! Share stunning photos and videos of your completed projects, highlighting your design process, before and after transformations, and unique details that showcase your style and expertise. Utilize high-quality visuals that capture the essence of each space and entice potential clients to see what you can achieve.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses:  Don’t be afraid to pull back the curtain and offer a sneak peek into your design world. Share photos from client meetings, sourcing trips, or mood board brainstorming sessions. Behind-the-scenes posts allow your audience to connect with you personally and gain insights into your creative approach.
  • Process Breakdowns: Educate your audience by deconstructing specific design elements. Focus on a particular area, such as lighting selections, furniture arrangements, or window treatment choices. Explain your reasoning and the impact these choices have on the overall space. This establishes you as a design expert and positions you as a valuable resource for potential clients.


marketing for interior designers 

Embrace the Power of Visual Content

As an interior designer, the investment in stunning professional photography and videography to showcase your design expertise and personality is a MUST. A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in the visual world of interior design. Stunning visuals on your website, portfolio, and social media platforms will instantly grab attention and convince potential clients of your design prowess.


Spark Inspiration and Engagement with Your Content:

  • Trend Watch:  Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest design trends. Share inspirational photos and articles featuring popular styles, color palettes, and materials. Offer your expert perspective on these trends and how they might translate into functional and beautiful living spaces—keeping your content fresh positions you as an up-to-date design influencer.
  • Design Dilemmas:  People love before-and-after reveals, but there’s also value in showcasing design challenges. Present a common design dilemma, such as awkward layouts or lack of natural light, and offer creative solutions. Demonstrating your problem-solving skills and sparking conversation among your followers.
  • Design Tips & Tricks:  Offer bite-sized design advice through captivating posts. Share quick tips on furniture placement, choosing rugs, or selecting artwork. These bite-sized pieces of knowledge are highly shareable and establish you as a trusted design authority.


Build Relationships and Community

Above all things, remember to appreciate the power of fostering relationships and community on social media. Building trust and credibility with potential clients should be your number one goal in social media. There are a few things that you can post on social media that do this: 

  1. Posting Client Testimonials:  Positive feedback from satisfied clients is powerful social proof. Share client testimonials in written or even video format to highlight your impact on your projects. By featuring glowing client testimonials, you not only have content to use but also build trust and attract new prospects who may see the posts online or through your Google Business Profile or Houzz profile.
  2. Industry Collaborations: Partner with other design professionals, such as architects, furniture makers, or stylists, to create collaborative social media content. Collabs expand your reach, introduce you to new audiences, and foster community within the design industry.
  3. Polls & Q&A Sessions:  Get your audience directly involved with interactive content. Host polls on design preferences or Q&A sessions where you answer followers’ burning interior design questions. Polls and Q&A sessions foster engagement, create a two-way conversation, allow you to understand your audience’s needs, and create a more dynamic social media presence.


Evaluate and Optimize Your Social Media Strategy

The key to unlocking the true potential of your social media presence lies in continual evaluation and optimization. Don’t just post and hope for the best! Utilize built-in social media analytics tools or consider specialist software to gain valuable insights into what content resonates most with your audience. Track metrics like post engagement, reach, and website clicks to understand what’s working and might need tweaking. This data allows you to reevaluate your content strategy, adjust posting schedules, and tailor your content to maximize engagement and, ultimately, attract your ideal clientele. Remember, social media is a dynamic landscape – stay ahead by constantly learning and optimizing your approach. Here are a few pro-Social Media Manager tips:

  • Invest In A Social Media Scheduler:  Use a social media scheduler to plan and schedule your social media. We love Pallyy. It’s affordable and offers the best post times and analytics, allowing you to post on Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, Google Business, and TikTok in one place with a simple click. Using the Grid view is perfect for seeing how your social media posts will look on the Instagram Grid. You can adjust posts and colors to make your IG grid more engaging and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Know Your Platforms:  Each social media platform has its unique audience and style. You don’t need to be on everyone; tailor your content accordingly. Eye-catching visuals and short, impactful captions are crucial to success on Instagram. Longer, more detailed content might be better suited for platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Post Regularly:  Consistency is key! Develop a content calendar and schedule regular posts to stay top-of-mind with your audience.
  • Track and Analyze:  Utilize social media analytics tools to understand what content resonates best with your audience. This data allows you to refine your strategy and optimize your posts for maximum impact.
  • Engage Authentically:   Social media is a two-way street! Respond to comments, answer questions, and actively participate in conversations. Authenticity builds trust and positions you as a relatable design professional.



Local SEO And Paid Advertising

It’s no secret that social media is changing. People want to go on their phones to escape and immerse themselves in a platform of inspiration, education, and beauty. By using localized SEO and paid advertising and boosting, you’re giving your brand more of an opportunity to get into the hands of the right viewers.


  1. Embrace the Local SEO Advantage: Optimize your online presence for local searches to attract clients in your area. Claim and update your Google My Business listing, use relevant local keywords in your content, and engage with local online communities to increase your local visibility and attract clients in your area.
  2. Paid Advertising: Consider targeted advertising to reach a wider but specific audience and maximize your return on investment. Consider strategically targeted paid advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google Ads to reach a wider audience. Define your ideal client persona, set campaign goals, and track your results carefully to maximize your return on investment.


Express My Media Works with Interior Designers to Drive their Marketing

Knowing what to post on social media can be daunting. Investing in a strong social media presence can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to go it alone. Express My Media is your partner in design domination! We offer a suite of social media management services specifically tailored to interior designers. Our team of experts can help you develop a winning strategy, create captivating content, and manage your social media channels effectively. Let us help you build brand reputation, achieve consistent posting, and showcase your design skills to the world. Contact Express My Media today to schedule a FREE Exploration Call and unlock the full potential of social media for your interior design business!


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